
Caution Hentai Button


Caution Hentai Button B-001

Buttons! Everybody loves buttons! What a great way to show your style, likes, dislikes, beliefs, etc. I have my bag covered in buttons that I’ve made, and I’ve made quite a few friends because of the buttons that I have on display! They are totally great conversation starters!

This button comes in 2 versions – male and female. It depicts a small picture of a person (modeled after the ‘pedestrian crossing’ signs) running away from a doorway spewing out tentacles. I had a LOT of fun drawing these silly, slightly inappropriate buttons, and I hope you enjoy them as well!

Size: 1 & 1/4 inches

Don’t like something about these buttons? I am happy to makeyou custom buttons with anything you like on them, just send me an email and tell me what you’d like :3

$1.99 In stock
Gender Option Male (0) Female (0)
Caution Hentai Button